Bride journal with Jessica

Jessica and her husband Brian waited 23 years for their big wedding celebration, and that meant she had many years to consider her bridal look. Read how she found her dream wedding dress and the right accessories.

What wishes and considerations did you have for your wedding dress?

Mange! Jeg havde ventet på denne dag i intet mindre end 23 år, da min mand og jeg blev viet på rådhuset, mens jeg var højgravid, og derfor ville vente med det store bryllup. Det blev så altså dagen efter vores 13års bryllupsdag - 23 år efter vi blev kærester - og det var STORT. 

Så kjolen har været i mine tanker i mange år. Derfor havde jeg også en hel klar mission for, hvad det skulle være, og hvordan den skulle se ud, men da det skulle være blev jeg alligvel i tvivl og det blev en helt anden og ganske unik kjole jeg gik med - til min store overraskelse. 

Jeg træner en del grundet sygdom, så det var vigtigt for mig at vise og være stolt af min krop og fremvise min ryg især, det skulle være en kjole jeg var 100% komfortabel og smuk. Jeg er meget aktiv og elsker at danse, så det skulle den selvfølgelig også kunne bære. Jeg går altid all in til fester, denne dag ingen undtagelse, så den fik med glimmer og hele pivtøjet, en kjole der bare fik mig til at shine.

How was your wedding dress appointment at TP Kjoler?

Simply fantastic! 
Completely calm with a Millie who was simply so sweet and understanding about my frustrations when I couldn't find the dress in the first many I tried, even though they were actually the ones I had looked at from home.

it was just there...what a feeling that I felt Millie, my bridesmaids and my mother shared with me. 


Free appointment

You can book a free appointment with your own consultant for 90 minutes. If you would like to treat yourself and your guests, you can buy additional bubbles for the trial.

Quality dresses

We sell beautiful and unique wedding dresses in high quality. We have approx. 700 wedding dresses in our bridal department that can be tried on.

Many sizes

Our wedding dresses are available from size 34-50, which provides a perfect opportunity to find your dream wedding dress for the big wedding day.

What thoughts and considerations did you have regarding accessories for your bridal look?

My accessories were important that they fit, could be used again, but also had meaning. 
A little traditional, a little out of the ordinary, but without stealing anything from the dress. 

I considered a veil for a long time, as I thought it belonged, but given our long history together, I didn't think it was me. go for jewelery instead. 

What did your bridal look consist of?

The most beautiful unique dress, with lots of glitter and pearls. Corset dress with a bare back, as desired and with a peek of my legs in the light shimmering tulle, which gave it completely perfect expression I was looking for. A dress that emphasized my shapes and brought out the most beautiful.

Precisely because of the transparent fabric at the bottom , the shoes were important to me because they could be seen all the time. 

Combined with a beautiful pearl bracelet made by our daughter, a simple heirloom pearl necklace and earrings where one was blue and the others with pearls matching the bracelet. 

I had had the shoes many considerations, but they undoubtedly had to be unique and they were... searched for a long time for the right ones with the most beautiful details. 

When did you buy your dress and accessories?

Bought my dress after the first try on in January, as I was getting married in July. 
Brought it home immediately and it actually arrived as a shock to me that I could do it, but actually also that I found the DRESS on the very first try. 

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The stilettos were bought before the tailor, so they were adapted to the length of the dress. 
Bracelet and necklace I had and I didn't find the earrings until the week leading up to when I had a hard time finding what I wanted that fit and wasn't too expensive either. 

Are you using any of your accessories after the wedding?

I use the jewelry a lot, but the stilettos are very nice and not something I wear on a daily basis, so they are waiting for another good party. But the dance shoes for the last hours were used extensively over the summer.

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