Bridal booking

Book an appointment to find your dream dress or complete your outfit with just the right bridal accessories

Benefits of a bridal appointment

  • Wedding dresses

    We have approx. 600 wedding dresses in the store. Some dresses you can take home immediately, and an order must be made for our sample dresses.
  • Personal service

    Your personal sales assistant will advise and help you find your dream dress, which is both within your budget and your style wishes.
  • Fast delivery

    We have a large selection of wedding dresses with short delivery times, so you can be sure to receive your wedding dress even at short notice.
  • Pampering for you

    With our free bookings, you can buy pink bubbles and chocolates for your guests, which make the experience extra special. The price is DKK 349.

Wedding dress fitting

What you get during a bridal fitting:

  • Possibility to try on wedding dresses in the price range DKK 2,199 up to DKK 11,999.
  • Bring up to four guests at weekends and 5 guests on weekdays.
  • 90 minutes where you and your guests get a private fitting room.
  • Personal and professional guidance by a  personal assistant assigned to your wedding dress fitting.

Free booking for accessories

This booking is recommended when you already have a wedding dress.

You get this at an accessory session:

  • Opportunity to try on veils, bridal belts, bridal shoes and hair accessories, together with your wedding dress.
  • Opportunity to go up to 4 guests included.
  • 30 minutes where you and your guests get a private wedding room.
  • A personal sales assistant during the entire trial who provides personal and professional guidance.


Book collection of your wedding dress

If you have chosen to pick up your wedding dress in our shop, you have the option of booking collection and fitting. Here you will have the opportunity to try the dress on again with the help of one of our clerks.

If you are missing a veil or other accessories, we can also help you with that.

What former brides are saying

Var oppe og peøve Brudekjole hos TP kjoler i sidste uge. Virkelig fantastisk betjening af Claudia, som hurtigt fandt min stil og jeg fik lov at prøve MANGE kjoler, og jeg endte med at finde KJOLEN hos jer. Virkelig flot sted og med god betjening. Vil helt klart anbefale jer til andre og jeg GLÆDER mig helt vildt til at komme op og prøve min kjole, når den kommer hjem i rette størrelse.



Tusind tak til Elisabeth for hjælp til at finde den smukkeste brudekjole!! Med et stort udvalg af de fineste kjoler, og med den bedste vejledning blev det let at finde den helt rigtige kjole. TP kjoler får hermed den varmeste anbefaling.

Nat C.


Jeg kom i TP Kjoler for at finde min brudekjole, og jeg var så heldig, at jeg fik Millie med til at hjælpe mig med at finde min kjole. Tusind tak til Millie for at være med til at finde den helt perfekte kjole. Jeg kunne ikke have ønsket mig en bedre brudekjoleprøvning med så sød og nede på jorden en ekspedient som hende. Hvis jeg kunne give mere end fem stjerner, så havde jeg givet 1000 !!




When should I start looking for my wedding dress?

We recommend you start 6-9 months before your wedding. 

Since delivery times can vary greatly from brand to brand, we recommend you start well in advance. We also always have dresses in stock that you can take home immediately.

It might be a good idea to start 8- 12 months before your wedding. Remember that when the dress has arrived at your home, you often also have to impose time on the tailor.

Do I need to book an appointment?

Yes, it requires an appointment to try on wedding dresses at us. 

You get 90 minutes together with a clerk in your own bridal room. 

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It is important that the time is not exceeded as it will go beyond the next bridal booking.

< div>There is no access in our wedding dress department. without appointment.

How many can I bring?

No we don't have all at home and we have many dresses in the store that you won't find online. 

We recommend that you let your clerk find slightly different dresses for you, as you usually end up with something completely different , than you had imagined from home. 

Never judge a dress by how it hangs on the hanger.
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Why can't I book an appointment at the weekend?

You can bring 4 guests - this is for to ensure you the best experience. 

On weekdays we can accept 5

If you have too many people you risk you too many opinions, which are not necessarily based on your style, taste and wishes for the dress of your dreams.

Do you have all the dresses in the store from the webshop?

Our weekends are often the ones that get booked first and therefore they may be booked out some time in advance. 

However, it is strongly recommended to book an appointment during the weekdays as there is much more time and peace than during the busy weekends .

Har I alle kjolerne i butikken fra webshoppen?

Nej vi har ikke alle hjemme, og vi har rigtig mange kjoler i butikken, du ikke finder online. 

Vi anbefaler dig, at lade din ekspedient finde lidt forskellige kjoler til dig, da man som regel ender med noget helt andet, end man havde forestillet sig hjemmefra. 

Døm aldrig en kjole ud fra når den hænger på bøjlen.

How long is the delivery time for TP Kjoler's wedding dresses?

Our delivery times are between 14 days and 4-5 months. However, not all models can be obtained again.

Do you have plus size wedding dresses?

We have a fine collection of plus size wedding dresses. 

It is a collection consisting of approx. 50 different styles, with prices from approx. DKK 2,999 to DKK 12,000, including our own collection that you won't find anywhere else.

When will new models come out?

We get new styles every month all year round. 

We have dresses that you can take home immediately, and we have dresses where you try on a sample and we order a new home for you.

How much do your wedding dresses cost?

Most of our wedding dresses are in the price range from DKK 1,499 to DKK 11,999.

Do you have a tailor?

We have several skilled tailors to whom we refer and who know our dresses. 

Ask your sales assistant and she will refer you to one closest to you.